Page name: Buffy and Angel Fan Art Contest [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-09-15 15:41:40
Last author: Perplexity
Owner: Perplexity
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Buffy and Angel Fan Art Contest WINNERS...

First Place - [WestFactor]!!! for "Puppet Angel"

Second Place - [Schmendrick] for "Buffy and Spike"

Third Place - [fairy] for "Buffy"

First Prize: I will release James Marsters into your custody.


Haaa, jk you (and I) wish. How 'bout I draw ya something? =9

Hostess wif da Mostest: [Perplexity]

Welcome rabid Buffyverse fans! Let me first just say, JOSS WHEDON IS A GENIUS. Okay, now that that is out of the way... here's the scoop on dis contest...

* Any medium is acceptable, even your goofy ass dressed up as your favorite character. Don't get me wrong, we will ridicule the heck out of you, but you are more than welcome to enter that way.

* Any character or scene from either show Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel the Series is acceptable. 

* Don't half ass your entry or we will beat you with rubber hoses.

* Limit 3 entries per person. Format for entries: Entry Number, Your Name, Title of entry or a short description, and the picture itself.



Get yer butt in gear and post an entry by midnight September 1st. September 2nd I will open a poll. Good luck, people, and thank you for entering!

* Have fun ^_^


I see you!

by [Jeccabee] new version...better shading


Angel and Spike

By [Mom]


The Host

By [Calico Tiger]


Chibi Lorne

Because he's so damned cuddly and very creepy looking as a chibi ;)
By [Calico Tiger]



By [Izzles]
Faith. Because she's the most amazingly amazing person in the world. Albeit Willow. Evil Willow.


Evil Willow

By [Izzles]
Evil Will. Not a great pic, because I drew it 2 years ago. But I put it up, because I love evil Willow. As does everybody else. *glares* Dont they...


weirdo buffy

well its she though doesnt looks like she oh... well
by[Shjahjdahdvwa]hey i know its terrible, but i did it at 3.00 with some pic i got on google search... eheheh go a head make fun :P<img:>if you think its so terrible that bloos the wiki reputation, eheheh be free to delete it :P


I Hate Buffy.

Here she is being slain by the vampire....a tribute to the old skool movie....lovin' the cheerleading outfit.....

(9.) [Spirit of Nefertiti]


buffy feeling magickal ;)

(10.) [Schmendrick]

Buffy and Spike

The singing Buffy (though it looks a bit like screeming.)


(11.) [fairy]


Not my best picture but I don't have enought time to draw a new one ;).



I think it's her.=\


Puppet Angel

My little contribution to Tuna's contest. =)

14.)[I Was A Teenage Werewolf] this took way to damn long >_< original(reference)pic here

Username (or number or email):


2004-07-22 [Jeccabee]: lol

2004-07-22 [WestFactor]: September? That's waaaay too much time for me to start thinkin' 'bout this contest. lol

2004-07-22 [Jeccabee]: how long do you plan to take drawin it?

2004-07-22 [WestFactor]: I dunno but I can't seriously think about the contest until August...Procrastinators unite lol

2004-07-22 [WestFactor]: jeccabeeeeeeeeee

2004-07-22 [Jeccabee]: procrastinate now...dont put it off...LOL well you do that then...I would have...but I had an idea and had to go with it...

2004-07-24 [Jeccabee]: James Marster! That would be a KICK ASS prize!!!! *sigh* but it's only a dream...

2004-07-25 [Relfrome]: uhm.... who is James Marster? eh sorry >.< I know... its a stupid question

2004-07-25 [irulan]: He plays Spike! =)

2004-07-25 [Jeccabee]: Now Spike would be a better prize! lol all that vamp power and all! MMM! lol

2004-07-25 [Relfrome]: oooooohh spike. Hmm I'd prefer Angel :P

2004-07-25 [Perplexity]: You can have Angel and his nancy boy hair gel... gimme Captain Peroxide any day ;)

2004-07-25 [Calico Tiger]: Hehehe, I loved that Angel episode. Listening to Spike go on about Angel's nancy boy hair *giggles*

2004-07-25 [Perplexity]: *sad sigh* god, those were great shows. At least we have the Firefly movie to look forward to next year =D

2004-07-25 [Calico Tiger]: *does a happy wiggle dance*

2004-07-25 [Perplexity]: *hound dog whistle* shake whatcha momma gave ya, girl!

2004-07-25 [Kisama]: A Movie?? When did this happen?

2004-07-25 [Perplexity]: I done heard tell it'll be out next fall.

2004-07-25 [Kisama]: Sweet! Have they said what Character will be in it? Illyria better be....~Shakes fist at the Directors~

2004-07-25 [Calico Tiger]: Not an Angel movie, a Firefly movie ^_^

2004-07-25 [Perplexity]: D'oh, sorry, Kisama - didnt mean to confuse the issue heh No Angel movie =(

2004-07-25 [Kisama]: FireFly?? That sounds Familiar but I can't place it, Anyone give me a Refresher? Pleaze ^_^

2004-07-25 [Perplexity]: SciFi Western, crew on board of a ship, they're smugglers, running from the Alliance, but kinda righting wrongs along the way kinda thing.

2004-07-25 [Kisama]: Okay. It's Sorta coming back to me, Thanks

2004-07-25 [Perplexity]: Don't be lazy, go goole it *gently pushes Kisama* ;)

2004-07-25 [Kisama]: I am still Working on my Entry for this thing, It's really starting to make me mad

2004-07-25 [Perplexity]: Why is that?

2004-07-25 [Kisama]: because I can't get the poses right

2004-07-25 [Perplexity]: maybe try sketching out the poses with stick figures first?

2004-07-25 [Kisama]: I did but My scanner doesn't work, I like working with Computer to, I don't like to sketch people

2004-07-25 [Perplexity]: if you dont like drawing people, why dont you try drawing one of the demons from the show?

2004-07-25 [Kisama]: No I don't like to SKETCH people, I can do them on the Computer, I really wanna do Illyria, I think i could do her some Justice...I haven't seen a good Fan Art of her anywhere

2004-07-25 [Perplexity]: Oh, my bad! =) I'd love to see an Illyria drawing - she's bad ass looking!

2004-07-25 [Kisama]: yea, She is mY favorite Character

2004-07-26 [Jeccabee]: sooo...why dont you draw her on the computer...

2004-07-26 [Kisama]: Trying to

2004-07-26 [Jeccabee]: lol...ok

2004-07-26 [Kisama]: lol, I am about to Give up, and do one of Spike

2004-07-26 [Jeccabee]: SPIKE RULES! lol g'head!

2004-07-26 [Kisama]: Favorite quote..."You pissed in the Big Mans Chair?? Thats Brilliant.  Gunn: Spike drop the attitude.  spike: What? That whole Lorn thing, Nah thats gone, I just think this is Bloody Awesome! lol

2004-07-26 [Jeccabee]: lol

2004-07-26 [Kisama]: I loved that episode

2004-07-27 [Rennie]: ooh cool...definitely gonna enter this one...:)

2004-07-27 [Perplexity]: Excellent! =D

2004-07-27 [WestFactor]: Angel was the sheeot...but in the final season of Buffy, my fav char had to be Caleb. I love the part when he's all "The slayer must indeed be powerful" and sent her flyin' with one punch lol. And of course, his whole misogynistic vibe earned him some cool points. Heh

2004-07-27 [Perplexity]: I saw that guy in "Saving Private Ryan" last night. He was the first Private Ryan they found.

2004-07-27 [Calico Tiger]: I thought it was great that they had characters from Firefly in both Buffy and Angel ^_^ Malcom as Caleb in Buffy and Zoe as Jasmine in Angel

2004-07-27 [Perplexity]: dont forget Jayne was in Angel too!

2004-07-27 [Calico Tiger]: Yup yup! Hehehe, he was perfect in the part! Of course, I just like him as an actor in general

2004-07-27 [Perplexity]: I just can't help but love Jayne.

2004-07-27 [Calico Tiger]: He's adorable ^_^

2004-07-27 [Mom]: "Caleb" started on one of my favorite soaps..."One Life To Live" LOL

2004-07-27 [Perplexity]: Beautiful entry, Nefertiti!!

2004-07-27 [Spirit of Nefertiti]: aw thankies^_^

2004-07-27 [Calico Tiger]: Damn, I found myself saying the exact same thing Perp said.... So I'll say *thinks* Fan-fucking-tastic, Spirit!

2004-07-27 [Spirit of Nefertiti]: haha oh wow thanx! must say, yours if pretty fan-fucking-tastic too - looks exactly like him!

2004-07-27 [WestFactor]: Yah, kudos:)

2004-07-27 [Calico Tiger]: *giggles*

2004-07-27 [Jeccabee]: Awesome entry Spirit!  I loved when Caleb died and Buffy said "He had to split." I know it's corny...but funny! I also liked when Spike had a pic Angels face taped to a punching bag...that was really funny! LOL

2004-08-05 [Calico Tiger]: Hehe, saw someone using this as an avatar on the Morrowind forums and had to post it here since it's my favorite Angel episode ;) <img:>

2004-08-06 [Jeccabee]: that episode was hillarisous! ROTFLOL

2004-08-06 [Kisama]: OMG THAT WAS THE GREATEST EPISODE to the halloween episode where Lorns powers went wacko

2004-08-06 [Jeccabee]: didnt see that one...I came in late on Angel...but I've seen just about every Buffy episode!

2004-08-06 [Kisama]: oh, You have to find the episode it is Hilarious.....NEWS FLASH, Me and some friends are doing the Theme song(Orchestra version) for a talent show put on by our Town. Please wish us all good luck, In my opinion it sounds great

2004-08-07 [Jeccabee]: GOOD LUCK! ^_^

2004-08-07 [Relfrome]: I'll cross my fingers for ya Kisama. :) and ofcourse, good luck

2004-08-07 [Perplexity]: Ah that Halloween ep was great! With that demon "marking" the buffet table skirt and the other demon walking up, touching it, sniffing his fingers, and then gleefully exclaiming, "pee-pee!" *dies*

2004-08-07 [Kisama]: My FAVORITE QUOTE OF ALL TIME, The end of the Halloween episode where Gun pissed in Angels chair, and spike is like "You pissed in the Big Mans Chair? That is Bloody Brillinat!"

2004-08-08 [WestFactor]: One of my favs is when Gunn and Fred are "feeding" Angelus and Gunn says Angelus can't get any...then Angelus grabs Fred through the bars and says "might get some now." Also: Gunn: "What happened to you, man?" Wesley: "I had my throat cut and all my friends abandoned me."

2004-08-08 [WestFactor]: Oh...regarding why Fred was bein' drawn to Wesley, Angelus (to Gunn): "for the first time in your life, you just weren't dark enough." LOL Long live Angelus!

2004-08-08 [Kisama]: yea, I love that episode, Angelus is the Second Coolest Chartacter, second only to Illyria

2004-08-08 [Calico Tiger]: I tried drawing puppet Angel for my entry, but it kept coming out all wrong >_< Makes me sad :P

2004-08-08 [Kisama]: ~Mumbles under his breatH~ Now you know how i feel...hehe..^_^

2004-08-08 [Jeccabee]: puppet Angel would have been great! sorry it didnt work *pout*

2004-08-08 [WestFactor]: Awww, you could draw puppet Angel, Calico! You had no probs with Lorne! :)

2004-08-08 [WestFactor]: Hey, another Angelus fan! Great! We all know that Angelus is much cooler than Spike.

2004-08-08 [Calico Tiger]: Yeah, but drawing something more reallistic was easier than drawing that puppet >_< Every time I put the shapes down, it looked... well... like some kid just put a bunch of shapes on paper ;) *slobbers on west* Thanks for the vote of confidence, though!

2004-08-08 [WestFactor]: Ewwww...nasty!

2004-08-08 [Calico Tiger]: *grins*

2004-08-08 [Perplexity]: He loves it, Cali, don't let him tell ya any different.

2004-08-08 [Kisama]: lol, Calico who is hosting that FF9 Contest?? I didn't see a name, or perhaps i am blind

2004-08-08 [Calico Tiger]: It says near the top of the page ^_^ [Sana]

2004-08-08 [Kisama]: oh okey, Thanks

2004-08-08 [Jeccabee]: I was gonna say that Angelus in not cooler than Spike..but I was thinkin of Angel...Spike is definitley cooler than Angel...but not as cool as Angelus...does that make sence?

2004-08-08 [Kisama]: yes, because Angel is a sentimental lil bitch....hehe sorry bout that...but Angelus is fricking awesome, the true form of a vampire....maes perfect sense

2004-08-08 [Jeccabee]: plus he gets a kick from tourturing others! and he's really smart about it he plans out how he's gonna ruin this person's life...ya know!

2004-08-08 [Kisama]: yea

2004-08-08 [Jeccabee]: but I think Spike is better looking! LOL

2004-08-08 [Kisama]: I'll take your word for that LOL, Illyria is better looking than both of them

2004-08-10 [Jeccabee]: I liked her blue hair!

2004-08-10 [Calico Tiger]: I kinda liked her better as Fred ^_^ Illyria was an alright character, but I really liked Fred so much better

2004-08-10 [Jeccabee]: yeah she was sweet... I didnt like how Illyria spoke...

2004-08-10 [WestFactor]: Illyria was one of my favs. Fred was great, too.

2004-08-10 [Jeccabee]: still like Spike the best....gotta be the leather coat...and the accent! even if it wasnt real...I likes an English accent!

2004-08-10 [Calico Tiger]: Angel: "What are you all looking at?"    Spike: "They're looking at the wee puppet man"

2004-08-10 [Jeccabee]: ROTFLMAO! "wee puppet man!" hahahaha

2004-08-10 [WestFactor]: Angelus is way cooler than Spike. LOL

2004-08-10 [WestFactor]: But that line did kick arse lol

2004-08-10 [Jeccabee]: Angelus may be cooler...but Spike is cuter! LOL

2004-08-10 [Calico Tiger]: Hehe, I also loved the episode with "The Immortal". Angelus and Spike walk in to see Darla exhausted on the bed and realize she's been with "Him". Then Dru comes out looking exhausted too. And they both start whining about how the two girls never let them have both of them at the same time ;)

2004-08-10 [Jeccabee]: I was kinda hopin to see Buffy in that episode...but it was funny! 'specially when Angel had to ride on the back of the motorcycle!

2004-08-10 [Calico Tiger]: Heehee! The bitch seat!

2004-08-10 [Jeccabee]: lol yeah!

2004-08-10 [WestFactor]: That episode was hilarious!! Didn't Darla say somethin' like, "it was only fornication."

2004-08-10 [Calico Tiger]: *laughs* Yeah. I forgot about that line

2004-08-11 [Calico Tiger]: Oooooo nice entry, Schmendrick!

2004-08-11 [Jeccabee]: that was definitely an interesting episode! didnt know they could sing like that!

2004-08-11 [Jeccabee]: oh and very nice pic Schmendrick! I likes the Spike in the background! ^_*

2004-08-12 [Perplexity]: Very very nice entry, Schmendrick!  Spike looks especially nummy... nice package *smarmy grin*

2004-08-12 [WestFactor]: Yeah, awesome pic! Nice package! Oops

2004-08-12 [Schmendrick]: *bows* thank you... did my best to keep up. ;) it´s my favourite episode.

2004-08-12 [Calico Tiger]: *looks around guiltily* Heehee, I have the soundtrack for that episode ;)

2004-08-12 [Schmendrick]: me too...

2004-08-12 [Perplexity]: I have the soundtrack and the DVD of the episode (along with Hush and the scrapped pilot with a different Willow!)... this is like a support group or something hehehe

2004-08-12 [Schmendrick]: *looks around* you haven´t seen me here..

2004-08-12 [Mom]: I saw you.....@.@

2004-08-12 [Perplexity]: There's nothing to see here... move along... *hides yellow police ribbon* *throws area rug over blood stains on the floor*

2004-08-13 [Jeccabee]: I have the soundtrack for that episode too! LOL and Hush was a great one! Creepy but great!

2004-08-14 [I Was A Teenage Werewolf]: a different willow!?!?!? i could never imaginge it, alyssa is perfect! hey, this is a perfect place to take bout buffy! i've been playin that episode, "once more, with feeling" over and over!! great pic [Schmendrick]

2004-08-14 [Perplexity]: Every single night, the same arrangement... *sigh* great episode. Shoulda won an Emmy. Yeah the different Willow was TERRIBLE. She was chunky and frumpy and looked at the floor a lot.

2004-08-14 [Jeccabee]: who played the different Willow? Was she an unknown...or someone slightly known?

2004-08-14 [WestFactor]: Plex's description, she's probably in the WRS. lol

2004-08-14 [Calico Tiger]: *farts at west* :P

2004-08-15 [I Was A Teenage Werewolf]: i go out and fight the fight ^_^ i liked life's a show/heaven:no pain no doubt, till they pulled me out, of hEAven:i'm glad they didn't keep her\

2004-08-15 [I Was A Teenage Werewolf]: i go out and fight the fight ^_^ i liked life's a show/heaven:no pain no doubt, till they pulled me out, of hEAven:i'm glad they didn't keep her

2004-08-16 [Jeccabee]: ok...

2004-08-16 [SHIT69]: oh god... my sister is trying to ruin our famaly reputation... I hope she was with a broken hand when she did that...huh...thing!

2004-08-16 [SHIT69]: I am joking... Its true its the worth thing in this galery but it was a sketch (I HOPE)

2004-08-17 [a shattered mirror]: hay u know unitl i looked at the lyrics i always thought it said same arrangement but it really says strange estrangement weird aient it [Perplexity] lol

2004-08-17 [Jeccabee]: ok...I'm lost...wha? sorry having a slow day...:P

2004-08-17 [a shattered mirror]: lol tis otay go up a few comments and i was commenting on a comment from a lil while back lol ^_^

2004-08-17 [a shattered mirror]: HAY U GUYS !!! please join the wiki im makeing lol ^_^ buffy the vampire slayer !!!!!!!!!! im working on it please join me !!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEE * is excited * oh and the pics here were just so great i made a page with just them on it so i hope some of u dont mind but if ya do check it out and take it off lol ^_^ or tell me and i will ^_^

2004-08-20 [Jeccabee]: das a perty Buffy, [fairy]

2004-08-20 [Schmendrick]: yep, not yer best but still quite good...

2004-08-20 [Perplexity]: Oh damn, you're so right lol - often I just make up my own words when I dont know the lyrics =9 - really fantastic Buffy entries while I was away!

2004-08-21 [Calico Tiger]: *pounces on the new entries* Nice!

2004-08-23 [Delight]: Oooo, wickedly wonderful. These all rock.

2004-08-23 [Perplexity]: Indeed they do! Im so happy to see so much interest out! =D

2004-08-23 [Jeccabee]: ok cali...dont slobber on the new work...wait till the contest is over! lol

2004-08-23 [Schmendrick]: maybe i have to make my pic even bigger. hmm...

2004-08-23 [Perplexity]: it's not the size, it's er how you use it? *chuckle*

2004-08-23 [Jeccabee]: lol

2004-08-25 [Perplexity]: Nice re-entry Mom! =D

2004-08-25 [Mom]: Thanks...I just wasn't really happy with the!!! LOL

2004-08-25 [Perplexity]: I know what you mean - it's hard for me to say, "Ok, this is done." the more I look at it, the more I wanna rework it

2004-08-25 [Mom]: Well I am pretty happy with her...but ask again in a week. LOL

2004-08-25 [Perplexity]: A week is about my limit, too heheheh

2004-08-26 [WestFactor]: We need a better prize than James Marsters!

2004-08-26 [Calico Tiger]: Yeah! Like.... getting both James Marsters and his unknown identical twin! MMmmmm.... (disclaimer: hell if I know if he's got an identical twin, but it sure sounds like a good time to me!)

2004-08-26 [WestFactor]: What about the Immortal? lol

2004-08-26 [Calico Tiger]: He's so terribly mysterious that we don't get to see what he looks like, though ;)

2004-08-26 [WestFactor]: But we know that he delivered a package to Darla lol Overnight delivery

2004-08-26 [Calico Tiger]: Good point! From the accounts of every single woman who encountered him, he's a sure thing ;)

2004-08-26 [WestFactor]: To me one of the creepiest scenes in the entire series was near the end of that episode, when the new Andrew emerges and prepares to bone two beautiful women. That rattle me more than any of the major storylines...cripes

2004-08-26 [Calico Tiger]: Hehehe, Andrew was The Man ;)

2004-08-27 [Jeccabee]: that was odd...yes, but funny! Andrew changed into "The Ladies' Man!" LOL 

2004-08-27 [Peaches]: ugh.. you talented people bug me! >< nuu! i am not jealous >>;;

2004-08-30 [.imREALdan.]: I like [Mom]'s the best! It's more like Buffy than any other. No offense on anyone else....they are all better than what I can do....way better...

2004-08-30 [Perplexity]: Aye, it sure does look like SMG to me!

2004-08-30 [Jeccabee]: yup

2004-08-31 [WarChiefFanguan]: OMG! THAT IS AWESOME!!! A PUPPET ANGEL DRAWING!!! I LOVE IT!!!

2004-08-31 [Calico Tiger]: West, you freaking rock! *pounces on West and slobbers on him* Puppet Angel kicks ass!

2004-08-31 [WestFactor]: LOL

2004-08-31 [Perplexity]: That is one of the best episodes ever - I freakin LOVE your entry, West!!!

2004-08-31 [Jeccabee]: Awesome entry West! I love Puppet Angel! LOL

2004-08-31 [WestFactor]: Sweet entry, macdaddy>D I really like the shading

2004-09-01 [Jeccabee]: OH awesome Mac! The shading is awesome specially on the hair and neck!

2004-09-01 [I Was A Teenage Werewolf]: thanx! XD the nose didn't quite make it though X_X o yeah, a bigger(and better)view is available at

2004-09-01 [Perplexity]: I like the luminesence of the moon and her skin is so nice, macdaddy - good job!

2004-09-02 [I Was A Teenage Werewolf]: thanx :D

2004-09-02 [Kisama]: HAHAHAHAH I GOT FIRST VOTE!! hehe I am sorry I didnt get my Entrie in, I kinda gave up and went to some other projects.. GO PUPPET ANGEL

2004-09-02 [Perplexity]: Well, I'd still love to see what you did if you ever do finish it one of these days =)

2004-09-02 [Kisama]: I will share, I will finish it...eventually

2004-09-03 [Relfrome]: Aargh.. >.< I can't choose between all of them!!

2004-09-03 [Perplexity]: There are so many good entries in this contest ^^

2004-09-03 [Mom]: God Luck everybody!!!!They are all great....=}

2004-09-05 [I Was A Teenage Werewolf]: hey [Perplexity], is that a pic of you and james masters??

2004-09-05 [Perplexity]: It sure is! Im getting my grope on...

2004-09-06 [I Was A Teenage Werewolf]: OMFG!! that's awosme!! you got to meet him!?!? you got to touch him!?!? i wonder what stars feel like XD lol

2004-09-06 [Relfrome]: I voted for [Izzles]'s Faith drawing ^_^

2004-09-06 [Perplexity]: Well, his hands are really soft, he's very nice to hug, smells good, good conversationalist. Hm... I'd say it was an overall pleasant experience.... *loses composure* IT WAS FREAKIN AWESOME ^^

2004-09-06 [Relfrome]: thats awesome!

2004-09-07 [I Was A Teenage Werewolf]: lol, i bet!!

2004-09-07 [Perplexity]: Polls open through SEptember 14th - figure two weeks is plenty of time for the votes to be in.

2004-09-08 [Jeccabee]: oh it was a tough vote...between Puppet Angel and The Host. 

2004-09-15 [Perplexity]: Talk about a close contest!! I was on the edge of my seat everytime I checked the poll! Congrats, West - you really deserved this one - I LOVED your Puppet Angel drawing. It was not only skillfully rendered but the humor also captures the spirit of the show. Schmendrick, I am a big fan of pencil - not only did you choose to draw an actual whole scene from an episode, you chose perhaps the BEST episode EVER created for any tv show. Fairy, you did a wonderful job depicting SMG - I think she is a really tough portrait to draw and your drawing is the spittin' image. Congrats to all three of you and thank you to everyone that entered!!! =D 

2004-09-15 [Mom]: Congratulations West...=} Schmendrick and Fairy...awesome works!!!

2004-09-15 [Perplexity]: You, too, Mom - your entry got a lott votes!

2004-09-15 [Mom]: =| Thanks for being nice.

2004-09-15 [Perplexity]: Yeah you're welcome, silly - you need to teach me how to do skin tones for my "Storm" pic.

2004-09-15 [Mom]: For me its lots of Besides you should ask Yuri...she is the drow colorer. Thats closer to Storm.

2004-09-15 [Perplexity]: Wee too dark heheh but they do hav the same haircolor yeah?

2004-09-15 [Calico Tiger]: Congrats, West! And Mom, she's not just being nice. Hell, you kicked my ass in this ^_^ With both of my entries together I managed to pull in a total of 4 votes *chuckles* I now know that realism definitely isn't my forte ^_^ *huggles all the entries*

2004-09-16 [Jeccabee]: I voted for you Cali...sorry West it was a really tough choice...but I love Lorne. Congrats to you West and Schmendrick and work rocks!

2004-09-18 [I Was A Teenage Werewolf]: congrats to you ppl who won

2004-09-21 [Sambo_Wants_U]: sex-c] i love all of them

2004-09-22 [fairy]: thanks!

2004-12-19 [*DIABOLICAL MASQUERADE*]: [prisoner#81378] is my favorite, heh heh

2004-12-19 [Perplexity]: Well ya shoulda been around for the voting ;)

2004-12-19 [WestFactor]: LOL

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